Surgical and Procedural Care


The quality measures group has identified initial general surgical quality measures related the quality dimensions of safety and access.
The group is currently focused on testing the initial measures with surgeons practicing in the specialties of general surgery, OBGYN and orthopedics.

A prototype dashboard has recently been developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health to provide reports at the health system level.

Members of the Surgical and Procedural Care Quality Measures Group

Pierre Guy (Chair)

Physician representative

Gary Redekop

Physician representative

Kelly Mayson

Physician representative

Carl Brown

Physician representative

Jim Abel

Physician representative

Alison Dormuth

Health Authority representative

Jana O’Neill

Health Authority representative

Shana Ooms

Ministry of Health representative

Sandra Ketler

Patient Partner, Patient Voices Network

Want to learn more about quality measures for surgical and procedural care? Contact us at